Happy Global Work Party Neergs!

This is a day to remember! 350.org has rallied more than 7000 events in 188 countries. It has been called the singled largest day of carbon-cutting action in the planet's hstory. And you are here for it! You can experience it first hand. You can go to 350.org and search for a local event in your area, and you can take carbon-cutting measures at home today (and from here on out!) to celebrate with your friends and family. You can also take an important step right here at Green Kids Rock on our Take Action page. You can put yourself out there. You can advocate for climate change legislation here with other kids who feel the same way you do...that our politicians need to go to work too! The Global Work Party is such a testament to human will. So many people, from so many cultures, with so many different value systems around the world, are uniting on this single issue. Isn't that powerful? 

I really hope you participate today. It will make you feel great about yourself and the power you have to make a difference. Share your plans on our GKR Forum in the Breaking News Section:   What are you doing on 10-10-10?   And don't stop there! Tell your friends and family that they, too, can make the effort. It's not that hard, and it will be fun too. Tell them to do it for you...for your future!

Peace Out--Ethan