Hey Neergs!

Senator Tom Carper wants us to celebrate "America Reycles Day" and for good reason--recycling industries account for one million plus jobs in the U.S., and over $236 million in revenue every year. Yes, it's good for the earth and our oceans, reducing pollution and emissions. But we need to do better--much better. According to Senator Carper, we recycle only 33% percent of our waste--just 7 percent of our plastic and only 21% of our aluminum and glass. Pretty pitiful really. In fact, Senator Carper says we throw enough aluminum away to build a brand new fleet of airplanes--sheesh! So this is the marching order from the Senator...and I agree! Commit to recycling 10% more waste than you do now (okay more if you can!). If we do this, we could conserve enough heat to heat 7.5 million homes, providing electricity to 2.5 million Americans. And honestly, I expect you Neergs to do way better than that. We need to lead by example! Check out this video and link to www.AmericaRecyclesDay.org and make your pledge to recycle! Read more about Senator Tom Carper on the Huffington Post today. Peace Out--Ethan
