Hi Neergs--

Are you as frustrated as I am about the worsening tragedy in the Gulf? This is the 43rd day and oil is still gushing into the Gulf. Animals are dying and no one seems to be taking charge. This is now BP's seventh plan to remedy the situation. This new fix uses a diamond studded saw to cut off the main oil pipe so the engineers can lower a dome over the gushing oil geyser.  The fear is that the cap might not fit.  President Obama and his administration have ordered the drilling of two relief wells, but those won't be ready for a couple of months. The biggest concern is hurricane season.  The meteorologists are predicting a rough season with as many has 23 hurricanes. A large storm could interfere with any progress. Carole Browner, the assistant to President Obama for climate and energy change, said that a vessel collecting oil on the surface would have to leave the area during a hurricane.  That means the oil would continue to gush until collection could be continued! Here's a friend from New Orleans. This is Jolie Van Gilder, holding her mom's hand at a rally against BP this past Sunday. This photo is from the AP wire service. You go Jolie! 

Remember if you live in any of the Gulf Coast region, I'd love to see your pictures. We have a forum below where you can post your pics!

Peace Out-Ethan