Hey Neergs-

Did you hear that a federal judge overturned the deep water drilling moratorium yesterday? Obama's administration plans to appeal. The judge felt that the decision to stop drilling was rash.  He said that just because the equipment failed in one drilling operation did not mean it would fail elsewhere. He also said the impact on our American oil supply would be jeopardized.  President Obama feels differently.  He wanted a 6 month moratorium (end) to drilling until the tragedy in the Gulf could be investigated properly.  He fears we cannot expose ourself to another tragedy.

My concern is based on what the oil companies said to the congressional panel.  They admitted that the technology for drilling in  deep water had advanced a lot, but that methods for dealing with spillls had not.  It seems to me that our government needs to regulate this better.  Doesn't seem like anyone was watching the pot...and it boiled over.  I keep thinking about all those people who are losing their livelihood in the Gulf and all the wildlife that is dying. I think about what Rachel Maddow from MSNBC reported--there is no local or American oil supply!  This Judge Feldman is reported to own shares of stocks in petroleum companies. Doesn't that question whether he made this ruling in his own interest?  If all oil supplies enter an international market, the United States is not going to suffer "immeasurably" for a six month moratorium on drilling.  Sounds like Judge Feldman is concerned with his own pocketbook. I welcome your thoughts--even if you don't share my view.  What do you think? Peace Out--Ethan