Go Neergs, Go Neergs!

I have amazing news to share today. We submitted our plan to hold a virtual event for 350.org's Global Work Party on 10/10/10. The event is Green Kids Rock for Climate Legislation. It was time to stop talking and time to start doing.  I hope you share my enthusiasm because I now need you to walk the walk!  We are revamping our "Take Action" page for the virtual event, asking kids to "electronically" sign a petition that supports meaningful climate change. This isn't about Republicans vs. Democrats. If we continue to argue and do nothing, no one is a winner. We need to keep the hard press on our administration and our congress to  do the right thing. Millions of people around the world will get together on 10/10/10 to send a message to our politicians that it's time to get to work. Join Green Kids Rock at 350.org. We have posted virtual events in Kansas City, Los Angeles, Cleveland, New Orleans and Dallas.  However, ANYONE can participate from ANYWHERE. We just wanted to get on the map on the 350.org website. 

I know I've said it before, and I will say it again--maybe we can't vote YET, but we can be heard! So we need to get busy. Our virtual event is a perfect for kids and families in areas that are too far away to participate in the live events. You can sign the petition (with your parent's permission), or use our congressional contact links to email or write your own letter.  It doesn't really matter, except you must write! Our goal is not to debate a specific climate solution for this petition--whether it's cap and trade, carbon tax, or whatever. Our mission is to let our representatives know that our opinion counts, and that they need to get their own self interests out of the way.  It's time to go to work! Check out this cool call to action from actress Ellen Page. You can also find links to our vitual events posted above on this page and on our "Take Action" page.

Peace Out-Ethan