Greetings Neergs!
I'm so jazzed today.  It's a really good day to be a Neerg!  For those of you who are joining us late, a Neerg is definitely not a Nerd! In fact, it's about the coolest thing you can be.  Neergs (Greens spelled backwards) are motivated to make a difference.  We don't just talk about global warming and how to combat climate change, we do! Keep reading and I'll share our big plan with you.

Well, like all of you, I got so mad at our Senate for taking a recess (vacation) without passing a meaningful climate bill. I know not everyone agrees exactly what should be in it, but I do know that the alternative bill being proposed (read the Alternative Bill on our How to Help page) is not going to get the job done.  President Obama promised the U.S. would reduce it's carbon emissions by 17% by 2020. We're not even going to get close with this lack of leadership. Still, I'm hopeful that if we keep the pressure on and continue to educate Americans, there will come a time when the American people will demand legislation that makes a difference.

This is where you come in! Please check out the Email Your Senator and Sign this Petition on our How to Help page. Now you have two ways to get involved.  Please ask your parents permission to participate.  It's up to you to express your opinion in the comments section of the climate change petition.  What do you think should be in new climate legislation?  Cap and Trade?  Just a cap?  Take the time and get informed.  Read and watch our stuff or do some research of your own.  Remember, a strong position is an informed position. Okay, I'm going to keep track of this stuff.  I'm thinking about posting some of our best comments on a new page.  Maybe we can't vote yet, but we can be heard!

Peace Out--Ethan