Hey Neergs--
Hope everyone is back in the swing of things at school and likes their new teachers!  I was really excited to get back to learning new things, swimming and making new friends.  The start of a new school year is kind of like a New Year's Resolution. You make new goals and commit to doing things better, right? Personally, I'm thinking about ramping up my own commitment to sustainability. I think I do a pretty good job at the 3R's (reduce, reuse, recycle), and  a pretty good job talking about the issues here at www.GreenKidsRock.com, However, we need to get our voice out there--more often, and much louder! If you've had the chance to see our Take Action page, you know we have two cool opportunities. You can email your senator or sign a petition to support clean energy legislation. While we've been getting lots of traffic on our homepage, Ethan's Eco Blog and the Games page, I'm bummed about the lack of participation on the Take Action page.  This tells me that maybe we need to expand our Take Action options to include support for other environmental issues that interest kids.

So check us out again in the next week.  We'll still have the petition live, but we will be adding a survey to get your feedback on other topics we could take on together, united under the umbrella of Green Kids Rock.  We need your ideas, suggestions and referrals.  A referral would be telling your teacher about us. Get kids in your class involved on www.GreenKidsRock.com. Encourage them to submit ideas, blog entries and videos!  And don't miss out on our upcoming contest which launches September 18th.  Learn about the plastics, the Pacifc Trash Vortex and how you can win "Neerg Hall" t-shirts for your class, or even an e-reader just for yourself!  The more kids from your class that enter, the better chance your class has to win the t-shirts! Stay tuned for new content!

Peace Out-Ethan