Hey Neergs-

Every now and then you trip over something, it catches your eye, and you reach down to take a look.  I mean, you really take a look and inspect the thing. It completely absorbs all your attention, sucks you in and makes you think very differently about something you thought you had your arms around. I had this very experience this morning. As dedicated Neergs, you know we spend a great deal of our time talking about the harmful effects of plastics on earth and in our oceans. We know they slowly biodegrade in landfills, photodegrade in our oceans, get into our food web and poison us with BPA. And this is just what we know now! So, while looking for some cool and interesting topics to rant, rave and advocate for, I stumbled on Lisa Kaas Boyle's article in the Huffington Post (link below). She discussed the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and how they strategically help and fund reputable non-profits in order to continue doing what they do best--produce plastics. They even get the non profits to refer to plastic pollution as "marine debris" even when over 80% of the pollution in the ocean is plastic. 

 This is just the beginning of my journey to understand this relationship between the ACC and the non profits it supports. I am struck with one big question--how futile is all this hard work unless we stop the problem at its source--the production of plastics? Lisa asserts that the best technology and clean up efforts will never solve the problem.  I don't know if she's right or not. That's what I want to find out. I'm not saying the ACC has pure intentions when they help environmental non profits, but it makes you wonder why the non profits accept this "plastic pollution" money in the first place. Non profit founders and leaders are brilliant scientists, savvy marketers and world-class business leaders. They are also united in their mission to save our oceans and our earth. They must know who they are taking the money from--even if funding is tough these days. So, clearly there must be more to this story. Does the outcome justify the means? Let's do the research and decide together. In the meantime, check out Lisa Kaas Boyle's article in the Huff Post, the Great Disposable Plastic Spill and the website she co-founded, Plastic Pollution Coalition.   

Peace Out-Ethan