Hey Neergs--
Anderson Cooper from CNN has done an amazing report about the Obama administration banning press access (reporters and photographers) from being at the most important clean-up areas. BP had been the bad guy before (keeping the press away), but now the Coast Guard has announced their new rules.  The press must stay 65 feet away from booms and clean-up vessels.  Anderson says you can only get close if you get approval.  If you don't, you could get a $40,000 fine or be charged with a felony. This is crazy.  Thad Allen is the commander of the coast guard and says that the Coast Guard is responding to concerns from local government officials.  But no one seems to know which officials are complaining. The officials that Anderson spoke to actually want the story covered!  The media needs access and the story has to be reported accurately in order to keep the pressure on!  This just isn't right. Full disclosure is the only way to move forward!  I posted the video here, but you can watch it bigger on our BP Oil page. Peace Out-Ethan