My Dad received an email from Courtney Taylor of the Environmental Defense Fund today. She said that there are three things we can do right now to provide assistance around the BP Oil Spill. Of course you need Mom, Dad or a guardian to help you with these. If you can't volunteer or donate, don't worry!  Staying engaged and reading up on the latest (see number 2) is really, really helpful.  

You can share your knowledge and advocate for this cause. Remember, advocating for a good cause is standing strong and firm and sharing your beliefs.  An active support of this cause can truly influence outcomes. Good luck!  
  1. Volunteer: Register to provide on-the-ground volunteer assistance with the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana or with National Audubon.
  2. Engage Online: Check out our Oil Crisis Response page and follow us onFacebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest news.
  3. Donate Now: Support our coordinated oil spill emergency response efforts with a generous donation.